Saturday, January 8, 2011

Obama imagery

Originally posted on Los Thunderlads, 30 January 2009:


One recent post showed a photo of President Obama tying a bow tie; another discussed the intense fascination with his physical person that seems to have gripped so many people. That led some of us to compare our favorite pictures of Mr O.

The original

The iconic image of Mr O so far is probably Shepard Fairey‘s “Hope” poster. In October, Fairey himself contacted with a link to a collection of spoofs of his poster. A few I can’t resist copying appear after the jump.

With apologies to Robert Downey, Senior

With apologies to Robert Downey, Senior

Wasn't this his official campaign poster?

Wasn't this his official campaign poster?

Pleasant to look at, and useful as an explanation of the word

Pleasant to look at, and useful as an explanation of the word

For fans of 70s TV

For fans of 70s TV

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